I know I posted like two days ago, and am thusly not due for a post for about a month and a half.
There are some things I need to say before I forget how to say them.
So I'm at my hood, and the sunlight is hitting me full on, this would normally piss me off, cause it's hot, but today was different. An unusually annoying/guilty pleasure song, Natasha Beddingfield's "Strip Me" was playing over my ipod, when the chorus hit, something snipped the string that held me to the ground.
It was pretty cool, and I don't know exactly what caused it, but I'll recite what events have transpassed since the last time I wrote, not so much for anyone's viewing pleasure, but so I know that it's here, that I can read it, see it, come back to it, remember it, and love it... when I'm too old to remember how good I had it.
Thursday morning, the 18th, 6:25 AM YAY I wake up
After successfully brewing coffee (which, apparently, is not a given with me, as I have been standing in the kitchen prepping breakfast, turned, and stepped in a puddle of coffee that had started growing ten minutes beforehand, shortly after I neglected to push the coffee pot all the way under the brewer) and getting my fat ass out the door with lunch coffee and my cellphone, I ran around at work like a squirrel on meth until 4.
I ran back home, arriving around 4:15. I took my laptop into the bathroom (for exactly what reason you thought of when you read that) and played World of Goo for an HOUR... fully knowing that I was supposed to be napping before my 6:45 step class. Once I reached the appropriate done-ness/level passedness, it occurred to me that I was supposed to pick up a bottle of Bailey's BEFORE step class because we are in the south, and they don't sell liquor here after seven, EVER. But I hadn't even gotten to hop in my bed yet :( Realizing this made me realize that I had to round up gym clothes, take my Jack3D, wash my face, and get out the door in the next 15 minutes. I SOOO felt like napping at this point. But I did all those things, including arriving early at Step class with a bottle of Bailey's in my passenger seat, because I am a grown up, goddammit, and that's what we do... WE.GET.SHIT.DONE.
No, I cannot live a lie...we all know I act nothing like a grownup, with the exception of my respectably clean car interior. I took the Jack3d first, then I sat down on my bed, mentally deciding what to wear while that amphetamine-based shit kicked in...
So, STEP was AWESOME, as per usual.
We came home, and turned it to channel five, ( to catch Grey's OF COURSE) after changing the channel we both stood in front of the pantry miffed with the fact that we were very hungry but nothing looked remotely appetizing. So, I put my apron on and made Jiffy Cornbread in a breast cancer awarness pan in the shape of a ribbon. Actually, there was no apron, but I did add REAL corn, and threw some rosemary on top of half of it.. just to try it out. It made the apartment smell wonderful.
Then, during Grey's the first 3 of our nine-party Harry Potter premiere group showed up. Then another, then another. Then the last two.
To describe the my BFF's among them would take me too long.
Let's just say that they know exactly who I am. Exactly. Every word, every moment, of any day. They accept me for who I am, what I might say, and what I always do.
So, midnight Harry POTTER was AWESOME, as per usual
So, after the show, after we were all home, and 5 of the nine had left to go back to college town, I found myself curled up in bed with the two BFF's giggling over one of our old assistant coach's accent. All three of us in sweatpants and T-shirts, no makeup, Mandi with a green St. Pat's pom-pom beanie on, and Griff with the characteristic absurdly messy pony. It was 3:45 in the morning. I had to be at work at 7:30. I got comfortable, snuggled down and got ready to mentally begin to fall asleep. One final peek showed me both of their faces illuminated by the light of the TV, animation in their eyes as they looked over my head.
I don't think I'll forget that. If I live to be 100 I think that I might just cherish that one mental snapshot as a prime example of what it is to live, and to be connected to something that didn't grow in you for nine months.
and then... all of 6 minutes later... my alarm was going off, and I was getting up for work, having had a startle because I woke up with a head tucked under my shoulder... bed buddies...*rolls eyes*
After COPIOUS amounts of coffee pre-leaving the apartment, (most of which I slurped as fast as I could with a straw) I was REALLY REALLY ready to go to work. Really. I was totally sleep deprived. My system was shocked.

So, back to where I started. I'm at my hood, dancing to a song, cause I just lived through ^^that^^ and I'm still in a good mood. NOW, I get to drive to GA to rake leaves, see a GIANT chicken, see a movie, and hike a mountain with one of those BFF's that was cuddled in the bed with me Thursday night.
I just felt, free. For a few minutes there in the sun; there was peace and smiles and tiny kittens in casts mewing for attention. I felt grateful to the universe that I could be a string in a net of friendship that has caught most of the best memories of my life.
These are the days
Kitty OUT