Friday, December 31, 2010

Extemporaneous Resolutions

Spontaneous Resolutions:
-must finish in 25 mins
-can edit but not delete ideas
-must use no names/brands
-rules cannot have back stories, that would take too long

1. I will do something athletic every day. minimum being 20 push-ups and 20 sit-ups, even if I'm sick
2. I will call my mother at least 3 times a week, if only to leave a message
              a. my brothers once a week, if only to leave a message
Helen of Troy
3. I will leave more messages, even if it is just to sing along to the radio for that person
4. I will respect and honor sunrises, as they are the most prolific metaphor I can understand

5. I will begin to read medical textbooks for fun.
6. I will assume innocence until otherwise proven, instead of the opposite.
7. I will try to be more patient.
8. I will cry when I want to be mean, as a form of social non-dominance
9. I will find the time for video games.
10. I will learn how to make Beef Nugs.
11. I will enroll in personal training courses.
12. I will quit my job for something better.
13. I will NOT develop cellulite.
14. I will make up a name to refer to the entity I thank for my family, my life and my fortune.
15. I will educate myself in the art of sketching.
16. I will eat one piece of fruit a day, no matter what.
17. I will fast for one whole day, to try and better understand hunger.
18. I will throw out anything of mine I find that hasn't been used or thought of in 2 years.
19. I will take more pictures.

20. I will frame more pictures.
21. I will capture more of people's lives.
22. I will become more captivating.
23. I will finish my wall board.
24. I will resist being pushed around.
25. I will submit to humble request.
26. I will be more humble.
27. I will take care of my car.
28. I will not take for granted the bed in which I sleep.
29. I will not take my athleticism for granted.
30. I will not take my beauty for granted.
31. I will abuse my right to use legal drugs, because one day my health won't allow me the option.
32. I will learn how say the alphabet backwards.
33. I will become more creative.
34. I will make all mandatory hygiene an obligatory habit, because it's about damn time.
35. I will exercise the muscles in my eyes and ankles once a week.
36. I will sing more loudly.
37. I will go above and beyond to realize medical school.
38. I will take the LSAT if medical school does not happen this year.
39. I will clear HALF my credit card debit.
40. I will be a better gift giver.
41. I will remember ALL of my immediate family's birthdays.
42. I will work with so much passion, that people will cry at the amount of slack they have to pick up when I leave.
43. I will make medical school #1, health #2, and mental peace #3.
44. I will use less commas when I write.
45. I will write more often.
46. I will buy as many savings bonds as I can afford. Minimum, one a month.
47. I will take care of my feet and toes.
48. I will not bite my nails or cuticles anymore.
49. I will find the time to clean my bathroom at least once a month.
50. I will put more effort into folding my clothes.
51. I will try and be more kind to people who may not deserve it.
52. I will try not to pass judgment. mmhm
53. I will be less selfish with my inner monologue.
54. I will tell people more exactly what's going on in my inner monologue.
55. I will keep better contact with those that are far away.

Helen, Me, and Slick Nick


Billy Bad Ass

Helen of Troy in Muskrat

Thor (Biological Father) in surgical scrubs?

Papa Animal Slayer . Uncle John (no nickname available)

Papa Animal Slayer in AFRICA killing LARGE GAME

Action Jackson 2004 (after I got him alone for an afternoon) Helen was PISSED

Old man Action Jackson in his highwater comfort bed, years after the pink wore off

56. I will be less critical of myself.
57. I will develop a lifestyle that allows me to consistently weigh 135.
58. I will appreciate conversation more.

Done.  Now I shall add humor... The list came first, the links came later...

Kitty out :D

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The one where I write about music as if I know anything at all about it: I can't even read it

So about a month ago, I was sifting through my google reader, as I often find myself doing while waiting on my carry-in lunch to warm up in the microwave, I found a funny entry about a baby carseat-dancing. It sounded interesting, but my work does not allow us to pull up any streaming thing, so I couldn't listen/see it.

When this happens, I usually email myself the link, and look at it the next time I access the interwebs from home. That doesn't happen all that often, because, ironically, I only have my work computer set up for massive time-wasting links that occupy my day. My home computer is really only used for function, and is thusly not equipped with anything like Echophone, StumbleUpon or Universal Amazon wishlist. It barely has foxtab, and even then it doesn't have all the tabs that my work computer has.

SOO, when I got around to looking at the video I was delighted with the way it made me feel, but I was twice as delighted to discover a song I had previously overlooked. I clicked off the video and immediatly looked up the song and fell in love with it. *yay*

Florence and the Machine: Dog Days Are Over

Everything about this little ditty makes me wanna wear nothing but a really expensive pair of jeans and a ruthlessly hot VS bra, rent an empty warehouse flat, shake my curly hair out of its oppressive bun and sprawl-ed-ly dance away the day until I become so dehydrated I puke.

Her voice is just so rich and brassy and golden. It carries the song through most of the slow parts. ( I can't stand slow parts of songs, they lose me if they're too build-uppy ) And then when everything picks up and Florence is singing and the harps and drums and pianos all get a goin, ( might be a chorus?) I feel like that happy scene in every woman-triumph movie where she's arms akimbo up at the sky and either snow or leaves or glitter or rain is falling towards her smiling face as the camera pans away. It takes a movie an hour and a half to suck me in to the character's development enough to care about the triumph over some seemingly insurmountable pitfall so that that last scene is what it is! It takes Florence and her Machine a little over two minutes to create the exact same soul-filling sensation in me.
It also reminds me of the scene in 500 Days of Summer where Tom meets Autumn. It is then that you put together that Tom, this amazingly sensitive, hot, geeky, masterpiece, will be ok without Summer. That fact makes you feel all gooey with shit-eating grin energy. Because you're SOO sucked into Tom's psyche by that point in the movie, you're thinking exactly like him, like life will never be well until you/him find that person, that ONE person, and what if you've already met that ONE person and let them go, or the person you have IS the ONE, ( but then that scares you), and then BAM he meets Autumn, and you're like  "OH THANK GOD THERE IS HOPE FOR ME AFTER ALL!!" 

But I am afraid.
I have a terrible habit of killing a song as soon as I find it. The only time this hasn't happened is with "I Love the Rain the Most" by Mr. Joe Purdy. ( that song will go down in my history )
I want to keep it whole and pretty like it is forever.

I haven't looked up the lyrics, and I've been hiding it from my ipod, so I can't put it on replay and ruin it.
But I got the inkling to hear it at work, and I looked it up, and now I have access to that MySpace Player that I linked up above.

I think the end is near, and I'm so sad about it.