To triage.
This has about 5 different meanings in my life right now, none of which are good. Duh. if you have to triage, you’re already in a sticky situation. Here’s how all the triaging is going.
1. Kaplan. WOW. actually where I learned this word in the first place. I’m studying for the most horrible terrible fuck-u-in-the-pooper test. The MCAT. So during all of this, I need to study. I need to study well. I need to be able to think and learn! So when do I study? Do I wake up early? Do i stay up late? Do I put study over sleep? How long will it last if I do? What about exercising?? I used to be at the gym about 15-20 hrs a week. PFfttttt. yeah right. In order to DO the amount of studying that need to get done, here is my triage. COFFEE, study, work, sleep. YES, i do realize that I both work and study more than I sleep. And I’ll be damned if i don’t spend most of my daily time gulping down cup after cup of lukewarm coffee.
2. I just moved apartments, nothing major, just a move from the back of the complex third floor to the front of the complex first floor, makes life a little easier. So, in a move, all the stuff is packed up, and promptly forgotten about. No matter how you label the boxes, how many or how few boxes you have; shit is lost, misplaced, forgotten, or thrown out. So the triage in this situation is what do I look for first, second third…? Which is more important, wearing underwear to work tomorrow, or brushing my teeth tonight. After a day and some change of moving, you start to smell a little and your hair looks like a nest, and the clothes you have on are really only appropriate to be worn in front of your garden plants. So in comes the hierarchy of needs… you know.. food and water first, then shelter, then clothing after that.. etc. etc. As i’ve just told you, I’m trying to choose between underwear and clean teeth.. you can deduct that I look like shit. Which makes me feel like shit. So the triage there was…find soap, shower, sleep, go to work, brush teeth, find underwear box. IN THAT ORDER. does that seem nornal, I think not.
3. this is the most complicated of the two of them. I’m doing 1 & 2 AT THE SAME TIME. fugetaboutit. fml, lets move on
4. on an unrelated note of triage, my little blurb is triaged as well. Kaplan takes priority over moving, which takes priority over trying to do them both at once.
Things that are good about the aforementioned:
I now feel like I am some kind of smart superhero. I have a sense of purpose and I feel like I’m gettin shit done, not floating aimlessly through work and fitness routines. go me.
Things that are bad about the afroementioned:
I'm going to to go batshit crazy in nine or ten days
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