There are a few things in this world that I could not live without. These things are not giant expensive valuable things, but rather small vital functional tangible whosits that make my happiness appear, and stay, every day.
My bracelets: Bear with me, I know this is odd. My wrists are sacred. I regard them as other girls might regard their va-jay-jays. (not to say that I don’t have adequate regard for the jay.. just a comparison) They cannot be muddled with or I am pissed. Don’t grab my wrist, it will equate to your broken arm. I dunno when it caught on, but since before I was socially acceptable I was wearing wristlets. Metal, Livestrong, embroidery floss. Whatever will tie into a knot and fit around my wrist usually ends up on my wrist. All of my friends can attest that at one point or another in our relationship they have asked me not to pick up such-n-such off the ground and put it on my wrist. I have small wrists and slightly large hands, I enjoy the feeling of something resting on the base of my hand when I stand, and then sliding back to the small of my arm when I gesticulate. Whenever I acquire something new to adorn my wrists, I always assign a certain amount of sentimental feelings to that thing. Since these items have a small value when they inevitably break and fall off, I am sad. Very sad. Too sad I’d say. My latest example of this small mourning is when my watch fell off my right wrist. [It was an awesome ironman watch that sat sideways so you would read it while running without having to rotate your arm.] Not only did the fucker fall off, it ran out of battery the very same day. So, that left me with some of options, I could superglue the watch band and keep a non-working watch on my wrist, I could drop my days activities and fix the battery myself, or I could just keep my wrist bare in mourning till I could get around to fixing the poor thing. Soooo my right wrist is bare cause I’m more busy than sad. My left wrist however, is still going strong. I have a Tiffany’s clasp bracelet that my biological father gave me for graduation, a livestrong band, a Strike Out ALS band (b/c my G-ma passed from ALS) a leather and cloth thing that was a gift, and metal charm band with soccer balls on every flat chink. I cannot live without these things, because they are part of the part of me that makes me unique. Little things that clink when I walk around, little things that make me smile my smile of weirdness when I see people notice them.
Air conditioning: this kind of goes without saying, there are some people who can make do without this vital part of society, but I think that they just run cold all the time. Don’t get me wrong I would love to fall into that class of people; but seeing as I spent most high school lunches in the little girls room holding my shirt’s wet pits under the hand dryer, that is likely never to happen. I would swear that breathing makes me sweat. I run… HOT, I mean like a furnace, like a space heater, like an oven, like a bike muffler…HOT. Air conditioning is as vital to my happiness as oxygen, and only under very few circumstances will you find me milling about in the heat with anything more than a swimsuit on. If you DO happen across me on a hot day and I am wearing clothes, keep your distance, I bite. Na but for real, the only two times I get un-handle-ably grouchy are when I’m hungry or I’m hot.
My fitness: Actually this is more of an intangible, and will thus be discussed in a later post.
My comics: I’m not a computer junkie by any means, but I do enjoy the occasional webcomic. I HAVE to read these things EVERY day. Sometimes I KEEP myself from reading them for one day so I can have the treat of catching up for two days the next day :D BIG smile. BIG. So, the comics that I follow regularly are. QC, Girls with Slingshots, XKCD, BUNNY, Pics for Sad Children, Cyanide and Happiness, The Doghouse Diaries, STW, and Wolfmorganthaler. I could probably compile a large list of my favorite comics/storylines, but I think I will save that, also, for another post. I’ll keep it simple and say that usually I come back to these gems more than one time in a day to get a laugh. Also, they are the thing that I most widely spread, via email, or twitter. Lolcats comes in at a close second, but these little finaglings of reality are my most prized bookmarks. So much so that I’m hesitant to use any other browser for fear that their little book mark symbols will not be at a clicks notice, as they are in Google Chrome.
COFFEE: If I had to PAY for all the coffee I imbibed, my diet would whittle down to nothing but ramen noodles and coffee, as that would be the only two substances I could then afford. Wafflehouse coffee, stiff coffee, flavored coffee, iced coffee, motor oil coffee, two-day old re-heated coffee. All coffee is good to me. Let me explain to you what coffee does to my psyce.
You know that, “Fuck it, I would normally care…” feeling you get when you’re doing something OBVIOUSLY bad to your body? ….like when you light up a cigarette (I don’t’ smoke) or down your sixth shot of the night, or (heaven forbid) hork down an entire Bloomin Onion from Outback… those things. The feeling that follows is usually, “OOO, that was soo worth it” and the brief period of guilty pleasured happiness sets in as endorphins pulse through your body all the way to your toenails. Unfortunately this feeling of happiness only lasts about that long until the much worse feelings of weakness and disappointment course through your once euphoric veins in response to your obvious failure to keep your personal ‘temple’ clean.
However, folks, coffee does me the great service of plopping me down right in the middle of the “OOO, that was soo worth it” feeling. Not only does it hit the drop zone perfectly, it KEEPS me there. I feel the guilty pleasure of something naughty, but never the repercussions. (well, my dental hygienist would argue otherwise ) But still. MMMMhMMhmm coffee, I need it to SURVIVE.
There are a thousand other little things that make my inside squeal with glee, but some of them are too cliché to talk about (like chasing squirrels and birds no matter who‘s looking) or too disgusting to discuss (such as, what SMELLS I tend to enjoy more than I should)
And with that. I bid you adieu.
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