OH hai. How was your Christmas? Was it inappropriate? Did you find yourself censuring your every topic of conversation whilst spending those limited hours away from the house and in public?
Cue snapshot, Rolla Walmart 12:12 AM.
Catch the shocker in the background? Yeah, mom was too busy talking to notice we were snapping a photog.
Chatter..talktalk..blahblah..ohwait..no..that's..I'll get that tomorrow...forthe..blahblah...sandra...oh your aunt would love this...yadayadayada..chatter...where's the....with....remember...I had that thing.....the rolls.....rolls are near the cheese.....talktalktalktalk...Nick's got those at home....Sarah, come here and lookatthis,we had this last yeardidyoulikeitornot...nevermind....stay there.....hey,callconnorandtellhimtoruntotheothersideofwalmarttoget......um...the..wait, no....nevermind, it's right here....yada. yada. yada. Literally. LIT UR ALLY. Literally.
There was a running commentary on every thought in her mind that both did and did not pertain to the three of us that were acting as her GOPHERS for the night. Chris (stage left here) would pry his attention away from looking up raunchy jokes (WITH which to entertain us) on his iPhone long enough to glace in my direction to ask if she was talking at any of us in particular. (TO which the answer was always no)
But her running commentary wasn't the funniest thing about the midnight walmart adventure, na, Beezie, (stage right) kept another running commentary PARALLEL to my mother's. It consisted mainly of "that's what she said" 's, snarky asides pertaining to her inablility to finish thoughts, and completeing her sentences himself with what could only be considered mad libs. All for my listening enjoyment, folks.
And, OH the bowling alley. This actually occured before the trip to Wally World, but is second because it's comedic grade pales in comparison. the only thing that was really funny about this little event was the ball dance my OTHER brother, Billy (for BillyBadAss) felt inclined to do every time that house ball traveled down the lane. First of all, can we all apreciate what he's squeezed his nuts into? Yep, those are honest to goodness nut-huggers. They adore nuts, love em, stick closer to them than saran-wrap. Above that ball-debacle, he proudly displays a large belt buckle holding together a CINCH belt complete with metal studs, only lacking his name in burnt calligraphy...etc, etc. So when this skinny bitch wiggles his appendages and shouts obscentities downwind at the bowling alley, he tends to draw a lot of attention.
K then this also is bit more mild. My poor jack russel is getting a bit old. We used to hold him in this position when he was younger, and it was funny, because he was just a wee bit uncomfortable. Now COMMA it's just gross. His body has successfully aquired a FAPHA (Pronounced FAP-HA) ((Fat Around Penis Hole Area)) So his penis has essentially become an afterthought to his anatomy. Poor dog, as if imasculation after birth wasn't enough...
And then, because we can't take a family sibling pic without snapping a shot we can't show our grandparents, I leave you with this:
Bless your family, but mine is better :)
Kitty OUT.
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