Wednesday, November 17, 2010

wtf is up?

Like, hey man, what's happenin?

Well Monday, the 15th, I came to work. And I was busy all day. Like, REALLY busy. busywork busywork... but that was ok because I remember distinctly that it felt like a Friday. And we all know that anytime you can get a Monday to feel like a Friday, you're doin alright. Then I took my fat ass to the gym... only to realize mid-change, that the only footwear I had thought to make available to myself was a pair of rubber flipflops. So, pissed off and hyped off jack3d, I went back to the apartment and took out all the trash in the abode, folded up all the cardboard from weeks of my roomie's cereal obsession and marched it down to the recycling container.

By that time I was starting to feel lazy, but no less AMPED. Also, my emotions were askew, as they are most of the time, and I teared up telling my roomie about my day? Because I knew I'd gotten myself a little too riled up I put on my comfy clothes and curled up in bed to watch some reassuringly mind-numbing TV. Roomie came in on two separate occasions, once to get a snickerdoodle, and once to update her ipod off my computer.

I was bound and determined NOT to go to the gym, but every time I get all good n serious about shit, it usually ends up how I don't want it to. If you've correctly deduced from that sentence that I went to the OTHER gym, (the one near my house) and made sure I had fuckin tennis, then you would be correct. Nice job. Not only did i go to the gym, but I kicked my ass at the gym. I didn't even feel like exercising, and I look down at the treadmill and I'm kickin back 4.2 miles on 7.0, which is an 8:15 minute mile? And then I do lunges and side squats and side jumps and some other stupid-looking plyometrics and somewhere in there I pull a groinadductorhammie? That I only notice I'm limping from when I see myself in the mirrors by the free weights.

Cut scene to me waking up Tuesday, the 16th.. feeling as if I have not, IN FACT, been sleeping but have been made to chug warm Guinness and cling to fireman's pole with only my legs all night long. My first thought wasn't a good one.. I'm pretty sure it was something along the lines of, goddamn DOMS. And then I remembered that my DOMS is ALWAYS ALWAYS worse on the second day and my next thought was even more unpleasant than that. But I went to work. yes, I did. I pulled my whiny-hat on tight, took an ibuprofen, and went to work. I was busy again...but it did not feel like a Friday, so it sucked ass for that reason alone. But, my batch passed, so I was so-so. It was around this point that I lost my patience. I've kinda had it with this subject, and there's no way to fix/solve it, so I *apparently* just bitch about it NONSTOP evidently, every. day. all day. No, that's not really what happened, I just had to put on my big-girl hat and talk like an adult to a person whose "step one" in the manual reads, 1. Resort to anger.

After that was through I did about 20 three-step things and was late getting out of work. Then I told myself, Self, it's not really gonna matter what you do today, it's gonna hurt. Run, sit, curl up in bed, hurt, hurt, hurt when you stand. So I choose to download World of Goo 
It made me happy, what can I say.
I made some Indian-spiced rice in the middle somewhere... and finished off with some Mini-Nilla Wafers during a particularly difficult puzzle level.

and then I went to sleep.

and I, again, for the third night in a row, had the most crazy, fucked-up in the science-fiction head gravity-defying, movie-star, role-playing, Rainbow Brite colored dreams

kitty out

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